Home assistance for seniors
Many seniors today prefer to stay in their homes, or “age in place,” for as long as possible. Aging in place typically means that older adults get to retain a level of autonomy and independence not available with other senior living options.
But as people get older, a number of age-related conditions can make living at home increasingly difficult.
Housekeeping and home help
Living well under such circumstances often starts with looking after the home and studies show that having a clean and tidy house can have positive effects on health and wellbeing.
Our home help services for older people include help dusting, vacuum cleaning, decluttering, taking out the waste, feeding the cat and as well as washing and ironing. It covers all aspects of housekeeping to help you to live well in your home environment so that it remains clean, tidy and safe.
Our home helpers will take time to get to know you, how you like to keep your house and make it a happy place for you to live.
This will free up valuable time and energy, so you can focus on doing the things you enjoy doing.
Get home assistance
Need some extra help at home?
Let us know and we’ll reach out to you to see how we can be of service.